a novelty experience
Ms. Novelty is a multidimensional cigar enthusiast representing the minority of women in the traditionally male-dominated cigar industry. She is the founder of Novelty Cigar Bar, a luxury pop-up establishment that specializes in high-end cigars. Through her company, she not only provides a unique experience for cigar enthusiasts but also educates them on the sophistication and intricacies of cigar culture. Her commitment to elegance, class, intelligence, and thought leadership sets her apart as a true authority in the industry. Moreover, Ms. Novelty is passionate about promoting mental health discussions in the cigar community. She teaches others about cigar etiquette and spirit pairing all while coupling it with her knowledge of the mental health profession. Leading by example, she inspires others to prioritize their mental awareness as they indulge in the pleasures of fine premium cigars.
Ms. Novelty was brought up by entrepreneurial parents and had the unique experience of being raised alongside nine siblings. Her mother, who managed to achieve remarkable accomplishments while raising a large family, serves as a significant source of inspiration for Ms. Novelty. In particular, Ms. Novelty's mother is a successful entrepreneur who owns multiple mental health facilities in North Carolina. Ms. Novelty draws inspiration from her mother's achievements and her entrepreneurial spirit. Her mother's hard work was recognized when she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by President Joe Biden in collaboration with CAFBLC (Caribbean and African Faith Based Leadership Conference) and the White House. Ms. Novelty, having worked alongside her mother for over 20 years, follows in her footsteps as the Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer in their family run Behavioral Health Company.
Ms. Novelty's family has been instrumental in the mental health industry, being among the first to implement the integrated care model that combines clinical and behavioral health services. During Mental Health Awareness Month, Ms. Novelty will be a resource for others, providing a safe space to discuss their mental health and connect with resources that can help. Ms. Novelty believes that listening and making sound decisions prevails. And of course being kind to people.
The traits of Ms. Novelty exemplifies what The Novelty Experience represents. Class and Elegance